June 28, 2024

Reflecting on Infant Mental Health Awareness Week 2024: 10–16 June

Infant Mental Health Awareness Week (IMHAW) is an opportunity to discuss the importance of supporting babies’ mental health and wellbeing. This year’s theme encourages you to speak up for babies by ensuring the needs and wellbeing of infants are considered in your practice, regardless of whether you work with children, parents or families.


The early years of a child’s life – from conception to toddlerhood – are vital in shaping their long-term mental health and wellbeing, making prevention and early intervention a key focus for practitioners. Our library includes a wide range of resources dedicated to supporting you in this work.


Our infant mental health learning pathway features six online courses offering foundational knowledge, practical frameworks and skills to support you in conducting infant mental health assessments and case formulations. Practice strategies for implementation: Infants and toddlers joins this collection next month, offering skills to help you centre infants’ relational and developmental needs when collaborating with parents to support change. Watch this space!


Emerging Minds Families also has several articles and fact sheets for parents about supporting their baby’s wellbeing. These resources aim to help both parents and infants feel confident and supported in navigating everyday activities such as feeding, sleeping and crying. They also provide information and advice about self-care for parents and adjusting to the experience of parenthood.

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