Families who have experienced disasters (part one): Age-appropriate supports for children

Runtime 00:29:54
Released 17/6/24
Emerging Minds Families
Emerging Minds Families
Families who have experienced disasters (part one): Age-appropriate supports for children

Disasters like floods, bushfires and drought are becoming more frequent and severe across Australia and can leave a lasting impact on the families and children who experience them. This is part one of a series where we talk with families who have experienced disasters. Over the coming weeks we’ll hear their stories about how they supported themselves and their children, and how they continue to navigate the recovery process.

In this episode our host Nadia Rossi speaks with Heather, who lives with her husband and three children in regional New South Wales. As a family, they have experienced floods, drought and bushfires.

Heather knows first-hand the importance of accessing age appropriate support for children who experience disaster. She talks about her family’s story and what she has learnt about the needs of children who have experienced disaster.

Content warning:

This podcast includes themes of bushfire, flood and drought. If listening to this podcast brings up any difficult feelings for you, please seek help from your mental health professional or one of these crisis or support services.

In this episode you will hear:

  • Heather talking about how age can play a factor in a child’s reaction to a disaster and how she supports her children at their different stages in life [2:51]
  • Heather sharing her thoughts on the importance of self-compassion when you have experienced a difficult time [12:56]
  • Heather’s advice to first responders supporting children after a disaster [16:29]
  • Heather talking about the resources she thinks families who have experienced disasters need to access [21:33]
  • Heather’s child’s response to the question: ‘What advice do you have for other adults listening today about what kids need to feel comforted and supported during and after disasters?’ [26:17]

Further information and resources:

In focus: Supporting your child after a bushfire

Looking after your wellbeing following a bushfire

In focus: Supporting your child through drought

Looking after your wellbeing during a drought

In focus: Supporting your child after a flood

Looking after your wellbeing following a flood

What families can do to look after themselves following a flood

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