Family violence and child-aware practice – part one

Runtime 00:28:18
Released 9/5/20
Emerging Minds Podcast
Family violence and child-aware practice - part one

This episode is the first in a two-part series on family and domestic violence and child-aware practice. Tune in to hear experienced family violence practitioners and other leaders in the field discuss the impact of family and domestic violence on children and the mother-child relationship, and some of the practice dilemmas that accompany conversations with mothers about their children’s wellbeing in a context of family violence, and some ways of having conversations with mothers that respond to these dilemmas.

Featuring: Aerinn Morgan, Joanne Allen and Philip Martin from Uniting Communities Specialised Family Violence Service, Sarah Wendt – Professor of Social Work at Flinders University, and Megan Hughes from Women’s Safety Services SA.

In this episode you will learn:

  • Recognising the climate of fear is vital to understanding the impact of family and domestic violence on children.
  • An understanding the potential impacts of family and domestic violence on children and the mother-child relationship can inform practitioner’s curiosity when working with parents and children.
  • Non-blaming conversations with mothers about the effects of violence on their children are vital, challenging as possible.
  • Conversations with mothers about their preferred parenting practices can also support child aware practice.


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