Communities of practice

Emerging Minds facilitates several networks and communities of practice for leaders, practitioners and champions for child mental health and wellbeing. Joining includes access to free online events, resources and networking opportunities designed to demonstrate and share innovative ways that services are strengthening support for child and family mental health. To learn more or to join a network, check out the following options.

  • The PHN Leadership Series has been designed for leadership and executive teams across Primary Health Networks, in particular those in roles related to service planning, data analysis and workforce development. The seminars are intended to assist PHNs to implement activities that strengthen support for child mental health across both adult and child services.


    The series aligns with the National Children’s Mental Health and Wellbeing Strategy, and is delivered as a part of a funding agreement between Emerging Minds and the Department of Health and Aged Care. Content is drawn from evidence that supports the need for prevention-focused models of care and holistic solutions that can be undertaken across both organisations and systems.


    If you have any enquiries about this forum, please get in touch.


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  • The Child Voice Community of Practice (CoP) aims to expand members’ capacities to use a variety of safe-enough and effective methodologies to hear and act on children’s voices, aged 0-18 years. This will be done by sharing knowledge, skills and reflections based on experiences of using a variety of approaches.


    This CoP is a supportive, collective and emergent process and aims for a 30% weighting towards Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children’s voices, incorporating standing reflective agenda items to help us work with integrity around their voices.


    Expected outcomes include an increased capacity across organisations and systems to be informed by the voices and experiences of children, in ways that are meaningful, amplify the voices of children, give them influence, and promote the wellbeing of the children involved.


    This is currently a closed group.

  • Within adult mental health services, an ecological lens can be used to respond to the needs of parents in their parenting role, their children and their broader family. Strengthening relationships and addressing whole-of-family challenges are an effective way of supporting the parent’s recovery and children’s mental health and wellbeing.


    Supporting families experiencing parental mental illness is national forum series that explores key issues for practitioners who work with parents and families in adult mental health settings. Each forum will feature a:


    • presentation from a guest speaker
    • guided group discussions on the presentation
    • guided group discussions on current practice barriers and facilitators; and
    • resource update from Emerging Minds.


    These forums occur two-to-three times per year. It is open to leaders, practitioners and other stakeholders who work with children and families. The national forums run alongside a closed forum series for state and territory leaders.


    If you have any enquiries about this forum, please get in touch.


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