Re-release: How a neighbourhood coffee house brought a community together

Runtime 00:24:10
Released 31/12/24
Emerging Minds Families
Emerging Minds Families
Re-release: How a neighbourhood coffee house brought a community together

The Pear is a neighbourhood coffee house and important meeting place in the suburb of Alberton in South Australia. 

What makes The Pear different to your average café is that it hosts regular, free and community-driven events, conversations, workshops and get-togethers that connect people of all ages across the generations. 

In this episode, host Nadia Rossi talks with Annemijin, The Pear’s Neighborhood Engagement Officer, and Carol and Leonie, patrons of the café who share their wonderful story of finding real connection in an unexpected place.

In this episode, you will hear:

  • Annemijin talk about how The Pear started and the ethos behind it [00:58]
  • Carol and Leonie share their story of how they found The Pear and formed a lifelong connection [07:21]
  • Annemijn share her advice on how café’s can connect with their community [22:58]; and
  • Carol, Leonie and Annemijn share what keeps them coming back to The Pear [25:16]

Further information and resources:

Feeling connection and belonging outside our families

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ECH – Independent Aged Care

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