Research, evaluation and design

As a learning organisation, Emerging Minds has a focus on continuous improvement and translating evidence into practice, policy and systems.

Emerging Minds’ Research and Evaluation team manages and conducts the ongoing evaluation of the National Workforce Centre for Child Mental Health. Through collaboration between the internal team and external collaborators, this evaluation seeks to understand the effectiveness of the National Workforce Centre’s processes and impacts using rigorous and transparent methods.

We weave evaluative thinking, data and review into all stages of resource development and implementation, supporting internal capacity building and continuous improvement of our program. We also share this expertise through partnering with organisations seeking consulting services in evaluation design, program logic modelling and service model design.

Our research and evaluation tells the story of the National Workforce Centre and builds evidence of the drivers and responses to child mental health in Australia. We seek to share our learnings on the impact of the National Workforce Centre, and how we understand the needs of the Australian child mental health workforce and the families they support. We aim to connect with researchers and influencers in exploring methods and approaches that can be used to investigate and build capacity in these areas.

  • Our evaluation

    Our developmental evaluation assesses the processes and impact of the National Workforce Centre against key evaluation questions, to understand the extent to which the National Workforce Centre is meeting needs of target audiences and influencing practice which supports children’s mental health.

  • Our research

    We contribute to the conversation around child mental health, what supports families, and the capability and development among the workforce that supports them through utilising rigorous and innovative research methods. Our work is informed by different forms of evidence – evidence from research, practice wisdom, as well as lived and living experience.

  • Our co-design and collaborations

    We use a range of participatory approaches to ensure our work champions the voices of families, communities and practitioners. We also work closely with organisations to support implementation and systems change, and the use of data in decision making. We can partner with organisations on service model design and evaluation.

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