September 14, 2023

New online course: Replanting the Birthing Trees: Supporting Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander families and children in the first 2,000 days

For over 60,000 years, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander families have provided nurturing, safe, and loving care to their children and families. However, negative historical events and unsafe practices have created disconnection from culture, Country, kinship and spirit/ancestors. These losses have had the cumulative impact of intergenerational trauma and fractured connections for many families.


Designed in collaboration with the Healing the Past by Nurturing the Future project team, this online course is motivated by transforming compounding cycles of intergenerational trauma and harm into positively reinforced cycles of nurture and recovery. Following on from the Healing the Past by Nurturing the Future course, Replanting the Birthing Trees is part of a project developing perinatal awareness, recognition, assessment and support strategies for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander parents experiencing complex trauma.


The course focuses on the critical first 2,000 days of a child’s life. It is centred in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander knowledge systems, ways of knowing, being and doing, and honours the wisdom of parenting practices that have endured for over 60,000 years.


By being curious about the cultural considerations that support Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children and families, you can increase your confidence in identifying barriers and opportunities in better supporting their needs, now and into the future.

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