This page provides information on the building blocks for enabling shifts in practice. There are three core areas that are foundational to creating organisational change:  

  • organisational ownership  
  • supportive operational environment 
  • staff equipped with skills, knowledge and support to practice. 

Each area has its own key actions and evidence-based strategies. They are designed to help you to make tailored plans to suit your organisation’s existing structures and practices, strengths, and needs.  

You can download a PDF copy of the core organisational change areas, key actions and strategies, or read on to find out more. 

Organisational ownership

Internal ownership of the change process enables the new practices to be embedded within the vision and values of the organisation. This supports alignment between the organisation and practice and allows for the necessary internal adjustments.  

Key actions

Evidence-base strategies

Prioritised practice • Senior leadership commitment.
• Embedded in policy.
• Embedded in position descriptions.
• Time release for training and practice.
• Adequate resourcing provided.
Integrate practice into organisation • Align practices to the organisation’s values.
• Middle managers identify how to integrate changes into everyday practice.
• Embed changes in procedures.
• Integrate changes into communication.
Promote adaptability • Pilot new practices while monitoring outcomes.
• Identify different ways that core practices can be delivered.
• Show how core practices fit different contexts.

Supportive operational environment

Oversight structures, feedback loops and communication systems all work together to direct and provide momentum for the change journey.  

Key actions

Evidence-base strategies

Create accountability • Embed oversight into organisational committee structure.
• Embed changes within audit structures.
• Review and revise strategies.
• Incorporate families into decision-making structures.
Identify change measures • Collect data sets.
• Utilise whole-of-family wellbeing data.
Communication • Use data for feedback loops.
• Tell stories of success.

Staff equipped with skills, knowledge and support to practice 

Staff need to know what is required of them (policy/protocol), and to be equipped with the skills for the required practice (training). They need to understand how to apply these skills in their setting (practice guidelines/practice champion) and be provided with ongoing support to build competence and confidence in the required practice (mentoring/supervision).  

Key actions

Evidence-base strategies

Build motivation for change and promote practice • Identify and educate champions and local opinion leaders.
• Model preferred practice.
• Educate staff to raise awareness.
Provide ongoing skill development and training • Identify learning pathways for different staff.
• Embed practice shifts in introductory/mandatory training.
• Build a pool of trainers, coaches, supervisors and mentors.
• Continually recruit trainers, coaches, supervisors and mentors.
• Provide refresher options for experienced staff.
Provide post-training support • Allocate end users to trained staff.
• Provide opportunities to reflect on practice (e.g. supervision, mentoring,
shadowing, coaching).
• Enable staff to integrate changes into their everyday practice.
Monitor training outcomes and provide feedback • Monitor staff competence and confidence in skills and use of practice.
• Monitor end-user experience of training being applied.
Recruit appropriately skilled staff • Identify core practice principles in recruitment process.
• Include core practice principles in job descriptions.

Visit the National Implementation Research Network for more information on competency drivers and leadership drivers. The Consolidated Framework for Implementation Research also offers articles on leadership engagement and implementation climate. 

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