Talking about family mealtimes, nutrition and food refusal in children

Runtime 00:33:00
Released 11/3/25
Emerging Minds Families
Emerging Minds Families
Talking about family mealtimes, nutrition and food refusal in children

In this episode, host Nadia Rossi talks with Anna Ritan, an accredited paediatric dietitian-nutritionist who specialises in paediatric and neonatal nutritional therapy and dietary education. Anna is also the founder of Nourish Little Lives, where her role includes providing online nutrition resources and support for nourishing infants, toddlers and children.  

Anna talks with Nadia about how we can manage expectations at family mealtimes to make them enjoyable for everyone. She shares ways we can create balanced meals and get children involved in cooking and meal preparation. Anna also offers insights into how we can manage food refusal in children.

In this episode you will learn: 

  • Why mealtimes can be so difficult for some families and how we can modify our expectations based on our child’s development.  [00:01:58]
  • How to manage food refusal and ‘fussy eaters’, ways to support them and yourself, and when it’s time to get extra support. [00:06:51]
  • How getting children involved in meal preparation early is a great way to educate them about nutrition and build skills for preparing their own meals in the future. [00:22:13]
  • How to manage constant requests for snacks and create balanced mealtimes throughout the day. [00:25:33]
  • How to build a balanced lunch box for your child. [00:28:52]


Further information and resources:  

Understanding child development 

Nourish Little lives

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