Talking to children and young people about sex and their bodies

Runtime 00:33:37
Released 10/2/25
Emerging Minds Families
Emerging Minds Families
Talking to children and young people about sex and their bodies

In this episode, host Nadia Rossi talks with Kirsty, Schools coordinator at SHINE SA. Kirsty offers tips for parents on talking to their children about sex and their bodies, and how to respond to the inevitable ‘Where do babies come from?’ question in age-appropriate ways. Kirsty also shares how equipping children with the right information about sex and their body can actually support a child’s wellbeing.  

South Australian-based SHINE SA provides sexual health and relationship wellbeing services including clinics, counselling, education and information. 

Content warning: 

This podcast includes adult themes about sex and consent. If listening to this podcast brings up any difficult feelings for you, please seek help from your mental health professional or one of these crisis or support services 

In this episode you will learn:

  • How to show your child you are someone they can trust and speak to when they have questions about sex and their body [00:00:51]
  • Appropriate ways you can respond to your child’s questions, depending on their age and stage in life  [00:04:01]
  • Examples of how to start the conversation about sex with your child [00:13:56]
  • How to introduce the correct terminology for body parts to your child. [00:25:17]

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