Assessment and treatment of autism spectrum disorder

Australian Psychological Society, Australia

This booklet provides information for parents and carers about the assessment and treatment of children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD).

‘It focuses on how allied health professionals – psychologists, speech pathologists, and occupational therapists – help assess, diagnose, and treat autism spectrum disorder (ASD), and outlines the steps you can take to access their services for your child.’

This resource covers the following topics:

  • ‘What is autism spectrum disorder (ASD)?’
  • ‘Which allied health professionals provide interventions for children with ASD?’
  • ‘What do psychologists do’
  • ‘What do speech pathologists do’
  • ‘What do occupational therapists do’
  • ‘What are the pathways to assessment and intervention’
  • ‘How can I find an allied health professional?’
  • ‘Where to go for further information and support’
  • ‘Directory of autism associations’

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