Australian guidelines for the treatment of acute stress disorder & post traumatic stress disorder

Australian Centre for Post traumatic Mental Health, Australia, 2013

These Guidelines provide recommendations on the best interventions for children, adolescents and adults who have been exposed to potentially traumatic events as well as those who have developed acute stress disorder (ASD) or post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).

The Guidelines have been designed to be used by:

  • the range of general and mental health practitioners planning and providing treatment across clinical settings
  • people affected by trauma making decisions about their treatment
  • funding bodies making service purchasing decisions.

The intended outcome of the Guidelines is increased recognition of ASD and PTSD, increased uptake of evidence-based care, and ultimately, better outcomes for people affected by trauma. Importantly, the Guidelines are intended to guide practice rather than be used prescriptively. Each person’s unique circumstances and their overall mental healthcare needs must be considered.

The Guidelines were developed by a team of Australia’s leading trauma experts, in collaboration with representatives of the professional associations for psychiatrists, psychologists, general practitioners, social workers, occupational therapists, mental health nurses, school counsellors, and service users. Recommendations were based on best practice evidence found through a systematic review of the Australian and international trauma literature.

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