Dads – Finding support

The COPMI national initiative, Australia

This information sheet contains information specifically for dads about finding support, including links and phone numbers to support options.

Having the right support during tough times can be essential so you can continue being there for your family.

Spending time with friends and family can be reassuring, but you may need the guidance of a health professional. Finding the right support can be challenging. Sometimes, it can take several months of talking with different people to work out what will best suit you and your family. But persist to find the support that’s right for you. There’s plenty out there.

What you can do:
• Find a trusted friend, colleague or family member to confide in.
• Find a health professional through a referral from your GP (doctor).
• Check out the list of services overleaf. This is a sample of the support available to you and your family.
• Create wallet cards for you and your child or program numbers into your phones.
• Make a ‘support hand’ for you and your child to reassure them you’ll both have someone to call on to talk problems through (clink on the resource to find out how).

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