How to make a safety plan, Australia

This webpage from Reach Out is designed to help teenagers and young adults who are struggling with suicidal thoughts. It outlines how to create a safety plan for when things get tough and the important information to include.

If you’re struggling with suicidal thoughts, it’s important to have a plan for those times when you might feel alone or like there’s no way out. By making a plan and having it ready, you can take care of yourself when things get tough. Don’t hesitate to call the people who are trained to help if it ever feels like you’re really in crisis.

This can help if:

  • you’ve been having thoughts of suicide
  • you feel overwhelmed by suicidal thoughts
  • you’re feeling really down.

Why do I need a safety plan?

Sometimes when you’re feeling really low, it can seem like there’s nothing you can do to make yourself feel better. It can also feel incredibly overwhelming, and it may be difficult to think straight or to ignore suicidal thoughts.

By having a safety plan, you’re making sure that when you do feel really low or that you want your life to end, there are strategies you can use to keep yourself safe.

Think of your safety plan as your ‘mental health first-aid kit’; it includes many different things that will help you through a crisis. Having a safety plan can help you feel more in control when everything feels out of control.

For more, including how to make a safety plan, when to use your plan, how to comfort yourself when you are feeling suicidal, how to a safe environment and where to seek further support, click on the resource link above.

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