Myth Buster – Suicidal Ideation

Headspace National Youth Mental Health Foundation, Australia

This booklet is written for professionals, parents and carers, and young people and explains suicide ideation in young people. It specifically aims to expose the misconception that ‘asking young people about suicidal thoughts or behaviours will only put ideas in their head’.

It covers information on:

  • ‘What is suicidal ideation and how common is it among young people?’
  • ‘Why is it important to assess suicidal ideation in young people?’
  • ‘Are there opportunities to intervene when a young person is experiencing suicidal ideation?’
  • ‘Signs a young person may be suicidal’
  • ‘Won’t asking a young person about suicidal ideation put ideas in their head?’
  • ‘Is there evidence that talking about suicidal behaviour is harmful?’
  • ‘What does all this mean for those working with young people?’
  • ‘Other resources’

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