Substance use and child-aware practice – part one

Runtime 00:25:02
Released 19/6/20
Emerging Minds Podcast
Substance use and child-aware practice - part one

Have you always wanted to adopt a child-focused approach when working with parents with substance use issues but perhaps you have been a bit unsure as to what this might actually look like in practice? In this podcast we will hear from four practitioners who will talk us through how children are impacted by their parent’s substance use, how practitioners can open up supportive conversations with parents about their children, how asking about children is helpful in harnessing motivation for clients to make positive changes and the impacts of stigma and shame, particularly for mothers seeking treatment for substance use.

Featuring: Sally Riley, Suzie Hudson, Melissa Shee, Sarah Watson, and Lisa Hofman.

In this episode you will learn:

  • The effects of parental substance use on children (00:43)
  • Why is it important to help parents notice these effects? (04:28)
  • Are children a motivating factor in parents’ recovery? (08:59)
  • Is stigma an obstacle for mothers who have substances? (11:34)


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