Taking a team approach to managing children’s mental health in general practice

Runtime 00:21:08
Released 25/10/20
Emerging Minds Podcast
Taking a team approach to managing children's mental health in general practice

This episode is part of our online course, A GP Framework for Child Mental Health Assessment

How can GPs use a team-based approach to support children’s mental health? Dr Matthew Ruhl joins us this episode to discuss what collaboration and a team approach look like in the management of children’s mental health. Matt is a GP from Queensland who has a special interest in mental health, addiction, and sexual health. Since August 2019 hhas been the acting clinical lead for Kobi House, a sexual health clinic in Toowoomba. 

In this episode, Matt shares his insights around collaborating with the other people in a child’s life, including the family, school, and other health professionals, as part of a team-based approach to managing children’s mental health. 

In this episode you will learn:

  • The GPs role in management of a child following a child mental health assessment [1:09]
  • Who are the key team members/stakeholders in a child’s life? [5:31]
  • How GPs can work with the team and what can get in the way of doing this work [6:37]
  • The role of the GP in referring children as part of the Better Access pathway [10:13]
  • How GPs can work with schools in a more collaborative way [16:30]
  • Advice and guidance to help GPs overcome challenges [18:40]

Further information and resources:

Additional 10 MBS mental health sessions during COVID-19 under the Better Access Pandemic Support measure updates from 9th October 2020 http://www.mbsonline.gov.au/internet/mbsonline/publishing.nsf/Content/240DC3AF97EEAF79CA2585BC00827909/$File/Factsheet-Practitioners-Mental-Health-Services-COVID-19.pdf

A GP Framework for Child Mental Health Assessment e-Learning course https://emergingminds.com.au/online-course/a-gp-framework-for-child-mental-health-assessment-5-12-years/

Supporting Children’s Resilience in General Practice e-learning course https://emergingminds.com.au/online-course/supporting-childrens-resilience-in-general-practice/

Supporting child mental health in general practice with Dr Sara Whitburn podcast https://emergingminds.com.au/resources/podcast/supporting-child-mental-health-in-general-practice/

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