SAM Self-help app for the mind

University of the West of England, England

Related to Anxiety

‘Self-help for Anxiety Management’ is a free app which offers a wide variety of self-help tools to help users manage their anxiety. It has been developed by a group of psychologists and includes 25 self-help tools for anxiety, relaxation and health so that the user can create their own personal anxiety toolkit to utilise when they feel anxious.

Key features of the app:

  • ‘Clearly laid out menus’
  • ‘User guidance’
  • ‘External links’
  • ‘Self-monitoring of anxiety with graphical display’
  • ’25 self-help options covering: information about anxiety, thinking about anxiety, physical relaxation, mental relaxation, health and anxiety’
  • ‘Guidance on putting self-help into practice’
  • ‘Closed social network for users’

The app is available for download from the App Store and on Google Play.

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