Responding to racism and correcting cultural mistakes

Runtime 00:27:40
Released 8/7/24
Emerging Minds Podcast
Emerging Minds Podcast
Responding to racism and correcting cultural mistakes

Culturally responsive practice requires a collaborative and curious approach, seeking to learn from families and drawing on their skills and knowledge. Practitioners can also play an important and influential role in supporting families to respond to experiences of racism.

However, communicating across cultures can be complex, and sometimes practitioners get it wrong. They may make an assumption or judgement based on preconceived ideas about a child or family. Once they notice they have misstepped and seek to repair the relationship, they can address the effects of what they have said or done.

In this episode, parents Wei and Renee share their personal experiences with racism and its effects on their lives, including the ways they have managed. Additionally, we hear from counsellor Etty Garabelli and family therapist Pshko Marden, who share their key considerations when responding to families’ experiences of racism. Etty and Pshko also discuss how they recover from making cultural assumptions or judgements in their work with families.

In this episode you will learn:

  • how parents Wei and Renee have experienced racism [02:18]
  • approaches practitioners can take in addressing racism experienced by families [07:57]
  • how practitioners notice and respond when they have made an assumption or judgement about a child or family [22:45]
  • the foundational role cultural humility and curiosity play in fostering collaborative learning partnerships with culturally diverse families [23:52]

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