How to talk to your children about experiencing family homelessness

Runtime 00:43:26
Released 12/2/24
Emerging Minds Families
Emerging Minds Families
How to talk to your children about experiencing family homelessness

Homelessness or the threat of losing our home is something that we hope we never have to worry about. But in reality, it can happen to anyone. 

Regardless of the circumstances homelessness is an incredibly difficult journey, and when children are involved, it becomes even more complex. And knowing how to talk to children about homelessness can be especially hard.  

In this episode, our host Nadia Rossi talks with Susie Lukis and Savannah West from Statewide Children’s Resource Program, who offer advice and practical strategies on how to talk to children about homelessness and unstable housing. 

Content warning: This podcast includes themes of homelessness. If listening to this podcast brings up any difficult feelings for you, please seek help from your mental health professional or one of these crisis or support services.

In this episode, you will hear:

  • how living without a home can impact infants and children [04:33]
  • why it’s important to talk children about what the family is experiencing when they are homeless [12:40]
  • ways parents and caregivers can support their connection and relationship with their children during times of homelessness [15:28]
  • how parents and caregivers can help reduce the feelings of stigma and shame that children might feel when they are experiencing homelessness [18:30]
  • examples of how parents and caregivers can help their children feel safe when experiencing homelessness [21:09]
  • advice on accessing services to assist you and your family [33:11]

Further information and resources:

Charlie’s story tells the tale of six-year-old Charlie and his mother, who suddenly find themselves homeless, and how they find their way home in Charlie’s story

Emerging Minds Families resources (subscribe to our e-newsletter to find out more):

Myths and misunderstandings about family homelessness

Talking to children about homelessness

Tips for families experiencing homelessness

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