Perinatal mental health for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander women – Using the Kimberley Mum’s Mood Scale (KMMS)

Kimberley Aboriginal Medical Services (KAMS), Australia, September 2023

Resource Summary

The aim of this online module is to help midwives, child health nurses, and Aboriginal Health Practitioners develop the necessary skills to identify and support Aboriginal women at risk of experiencing a mental health condition during pregnancy or with a young baby. This module provides a detailed description of how to perform a routine psychosocial assessment with Aboriginal clients using the Kimberley Mum’s Mood Scale. It also explains pathways for follow-up and referral, and the importance of psychosocial care.

Learning objectives

By the end of this module, participants will be able to:

  • Understand the unique context of Aboriginal perinatal mental health.
  • Understand approaches to screening that are acceptable for Aboriginal women.
  • Use the KMMS to perform a routine psychosocial assessment for Aboriginal women during pregnancy and in the first year post birth.
  • Understand pathways for follow-up and referral for women at risk of perinatal mental health conditions.
  • Describe psychosocial supports that may be useful for clients with risk factors and/or mild symptoms of a perinatal mental health condition.

The information in this module is based on the most recently released guideline Mental Health Care in the Perinatal Period, Australian Clinical Practice Guideline, October 2017, the Centre for Perinatal Excellences and as approved by the National Health and Medical Research Council of Australia. This training recognises the unique history of Torres Strait Islander women and notes that some Torres Strait Islander women have been involved in the development and the validation of Kimberley Mum’s Mood Scale.

Please note that this course is not hosted on the Emerging Minds Learning platform.

If you have any difficulties registering for this course, please submit your interest via [email protected].

For return users only

Please use the link below to login. You have until Monday 24th of March to complete the course without losing your progress. If you would like to start the course from the beginning, you can access the website here or via the ‘Visit website’ button above.

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