What is child mental health?

Emerging Minds, Australia, May 2024

Related to Child mental health

Resource Summary

Meet Emm. In this animation (2 minutes, 6 seconds) Emm shares some key things every adult should know about child mental health and ways we can nurture it.

  • Everyone has mental health, and it’s super important when we’re kids.

    Having good mental health helps us to grow, learn, play, make friends, and deal with life’s ups and downs.

    It helps us understand the world around us.

    Mental health starts growing before we’re even born, and it keeps changing as we get older.

    Positive mental health is built in. All of the moments of connection I have with my family, teachers, and other important grownups.

    All the things that surround me shape my mental health, what happens at home and in the places I learn and play in my neighborhood and even in the bigger world.

    Did you know mental health isn’t just about when we are not feeling well?

    Depending on what’s going on in my world, my mental health might be great or just OK, or sometimes I might need extra support.

    Positive mental health means I feel good about myself and I’m happy a lot of the time, but it doesn’t mean I’m happy all the time.

    It’s feeling all the different emotions, happiness and excitement, but also sadness, worry, anger, and learning safe ways to let them out.

    Sometimes my mental health isn’t so good. You might notice that I’m louder or quieter than usual, or I’m having trouble sleeping. I might not join in at childcare or school or enjoy the things I usually love.

    Sometimes I know what to do to feel better, but sometimes I might need a little bit of help.

    Everyone in my life can support my mental health by making sure I feel safe, secure, and cared for, and that my family has what they need to nurture me.

    When my mental health is good, I can make the most out of life.

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